How NOSHI’s Founder Took on Shark Tank and Won
How NOSHI’s Founder Took on Shark Tank and Won
Have you ever watched someone on Shark Tank and thought, How did they get there? That’s where Tomo’s story with NOSHI begins. He’s the founder of an organic kids' food company that’s on a mission to change the way children eat. The idea was to make mealtimes more enjoyable for kids - through edible paint. But Tomo didn’t just walk into the Tank – he started with a Kickstarter campaign, ran into setback after setback, and pushed forward with unstoppable determination.
Let’s get into it! 🚀
Tomo’s journey with NOSHI began in March 2015, when he launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $20,000. Looking back, he describes how “naïve we were thinking that I was going to get this anywhere.” But just ten days into the campaign, he received a surprising email: Shark Tank was interested in NOSHI. He recalls, “I got an email from Shark Tank saying, ‘This is amazing. We want to put you on the show.’” The excitement was palpable, but there was one challenge: NOSHI was still just an idea.
With no product, packaging, or brand name, Tomo set out to bring NOSHI to life. He worked with a food scientist but the process was rocky. He describes how, in the middle of a sweltering New York summer, “he was sending me samples in the height of New York summer in unrefrigerated boxes and the product had separated in the heat and looked like salad dressing. A total disaster” Despite these early challenges, Tomo stayed focused, knowing that this was a rare opportunity to bring his vision to a national audience.
Just as things seemed to be moving forward, Tomo received disappointing news from Shark Tank: they couldn’t confirm his spot on the show because the product wasn’t shop-ready. This was a setback, and for the next seven years, he kept working on NOSHI, refining his vision and product. Then, in 2022, Tomo faced a personal crisis. His wife, who was the family’s primary breadwinner, was seriously ill with long COVID. Reflecting on this time, he recalls, “I suddenly realised that my wife might never work again: I needed to step up.”
Tomo decided to reach out to Shark Tank again, this time sharing not only NOSHI’s progress but also the personal challenges he was facing. His honesty resonated with the producers, who quickly offered him another shot. Within weeks, he was on calls with the production team, preparing for what he describes as “the biggest pitch of your life.”
Tomo remembers the rigorous preparation process. From June to August, he worked with his producers every week, rehearsing and refining his pitch. “They asked me to write a pitch. I wrote it, but then I thought, ‘I really did a good job,’ and they said, ‘We’re going to make a couple of quick changes,’” he recalls with a laugh. “They completely rewrote it, like they threw it in the bin.” The preparation was intense, but it helped him get ready for the moment he’d been waiting for.
Finally, standing in front of the Sharks, Tomo delivered his pitch. He shared NOSHI’s story, emphasising the mission behind the brand. And it worked. He secured a deal with Mark Cuban, which he describes as opening doors he “could never have imagined.”
With Cuban’s support, Tomo took NOSHI to the next level, expanding production and refining the product line. He recalls a key piece of advice from a Walmart buyer who said, “Look, your customer is a mum, and she almost literally runs through our store. She’s got a screaming kid in one hand. She’s late to collect another one from school. Make your product easy for her to spot, and to understand” This feedback helped him design products that are not only nutritious but also convenient for busy parents, including kid-friendly condiments that are easy to grab and use.
Tomo’s journey with NOSHI is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to making a difference. Today, NOSHI continues to expand, bringing healthy, organic options to children across the country.
Tomo’s story reminds us that great things are possible with enough determination and a willingness to face the challenges head-on.