8 Innovative Live Shopping Strategies to Boost Retention, Conversion, and Revenue
With anything in marketing, it’s easy to feel like your approach is getting stale or isn’t driving the results you need. Your audience craves novelty, and your brand needs to stay ahead of the curve. So how do you keep them hooked while achieving your marketing goals? By embracing fresh, innovative strategies that surprise your viewers, deepen connections, and in this case your live events stand out.
So let’s rethink what’s possible and how to elevate your sessions?
Traffic, conversion, retention, revenue... Throughout this 10-episode series, we spoke to our friends LiveMeUp, who have reviewed various marketing objectives and how to enhance them with Live Shopping.
- Innovate to develop your Brand Love. By seeking new ideas, you'll surprise your audience and your market. Be the first to implement unique actions, take new paths, and be creative!
- Innovate to increase customer retention. Your community will be more engaged in your approach, making them present at each of your Live sessions.
- Innovate to make Live an essential tool. Make Live Shopping an indispensable part of your business and brand development. Break boundaries and limiting beliefs. Turn it into a true media for your e-commerce!
Discover how Pêcheur does its Lives on-site.
To take it a step further, try one, two and why not all of LiveMeUp’s ideas on their go-to innovation checklist!
Innovation checklist :
Now, here are some ideas to innovate even further with Live Shopping:
✅Use Live Replays: Your live sessions have immense added value. Continue the experience by sharing the replays on all your networks and on your website, enabling viewers to catch up on your Live events.
✅Use Shoppable Videos from Your Lives: Similar to Replays, sequence your Lives or pre-record short videos to turn them into Shoppable Videos to place on your product pages.
✅Collaborate with Influencers: Influencers are accustomed to the camera and know how to engage a community. Partner with your favourite influencers to create joint events and cross your audiences.
✅Collaborate with Other Brands in Your Ecosystem: Just like influencers, team up with brands that share your universe and values. Create powerful contests, Live events, and cross your audiences.
✅Conduct Lives Outdoors: Step beyond your premises and take your Live sessions outdoors to explore new opportunities. Events, partner visits, exhibitions, real-life demonstrations... Anything is possible!
✅Include Lives in Your Manufacturing Workshops and Behind-the-Scenes: Take your customers to the manufacturing workshops of your products to show them how they are made. Transparency builds trust! Remember Brand Love, retention, CLV... Don't lose sight of these objectives!
✅Involve Your Employees in Lives: Your employees undoubtedly have interesting stories to tell. What is their role within your brand? How do they contribute to its development? Give them a voice!
✅Invite Your Customers to Live Events: Reward your customers by inviting them to a Live session. It's a beautiful gift for them and a display of proximity and trust for your viewers.
Want to find out more? Check out www.livemeup.io